Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reboot (2012)

title: Reboot
directed by: Joe Kawasaki
written by: Joe Kawasaki
photography by: Curt Apduhan
music by: Riad Al Qabandi
edited by: Graylan Moon
cast: Emily Somers, Travis Aaron Wade, Martin Copping

Sometimes, when you visit the imdb and check the rating of some movie you get the feeling that world is going crazy. For instance, the spanish thriller El cuerpo (The Body), shows proudly a 6,4 over 10 (a 07/01/2013); on the other side, the movie we are writing about, Reboot, has just half that mark: 3,2.

The fact that the most valued comment, an user named equazcion, had previously given The Wicker Man a 1 over 10 says a lot about the cinematography knowledge of these days.

But let's talk about Reboot

Reboot begins when a hacker, Stat, wakes up with amnesia, to find that she has an iPhone gued to her hand; on which screen has a countdown and lines of code that run recurrently.

Stat contacts then her two hacker friends, that will help her to find out who is behind all this, what the code is going to do, and how to stop it.

Visually, Reboot doesn't show in any way its budget shortage, except for the length and short cast. The opening credits are simply gorgeous.

And, despite the ending being excessively abrupt and little anti-climatic, Reboot is enjoyed with interest, thanks to the skillful screenplay (despite the programming errors), the direction, and its undeniable visual virtues.

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