Monday, April 29, 2013

Beasts Of The Southern Wild (2012)

title: Beasts Of The Southern Wild
directed by: Benh Zeitlin
written by: Benh Zeitlin and Lucy Alibar,
based on her stage play "Juicy and Delicious"
photography by: Ben Richardson
edited by: Crockett Doob and Affonso Gonçalves
music by: Dan Romer and Benh Zeitlin
cast: Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry, Levy Easterly

I had been longing to see this movie for some months, having read many positive reviews about it. This can easily drive to a big disappointment, given the high expectations placed. This wasn't at all what happened when I saw Beasts Of The Southern Wild.

The first minutes are a plain statement of the nature of BOTSW: life, nature, pureness, truth.

Haven't seen a movie as true as this one for a long time.
Haven't felt so much watching a movie for a long time.

In a time of absolutely heartless movies, where the zeros in the budget fill the holes of completely childish screenplays, we find this "small" jewel.

Photography and music help this tale become images and frames. The direction is both solid and tender. But if there is one thing about this movie that will undoubtely leave a vivid memory is Quvenzhané Wallis, the young actress that plays the character of Hushpuppy, the girl through whose eyes we see the events that take place in "the Bathtub".

Some months ago we wrote about the almost offensive search for cheap sentimentalism of The Impossible. Both movies share a flood event but BOTSW finds emotions without shortcuts, without cheap thrills, but with a great screenplay and a wonderful team obviously committed with it.

Beasts Of The Southern Wild. Beautiful. Moving. Must-see.

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