Friday, November 9, 2012

The Bay (2012)

directed by: Barry Levinson
writen by: Michael Wallach
photographed by: Josh Nussbaum
music by: Marcelo Zarvos
edited by: Aaron Yanes
stars: Kristen Connolly, Jane McNeill, Christopher Denham

Found Footage... Only to think about it is boring. And yet, we continue to watch the new movies that keep cloning the same tricks, the same scenes, and the same characters... hoping to find something new.

The truth is that we can't say that The Bay has anything revolutionary, but it does have something interesting. Maybe it is just that it may be the first, or at least, the definitive eco-horror movie. Or maybe it is just Barry Levinson's direction.

Because this is the most surprising fact about The Bay; that it has been directed by Barry Levinson, who directed movies like Good morning, Vietnam or Rain Man, in the late 80s, and that we would never have imagined giving us a found footage artifact. A big bravo for Levinson!

The Bay mixes successfully several aspects: a portrait of a small town's life, environmentalism, horror, and even apocalyptic fiction. And, despite it can't avoid coming back to some of the commonplaces of the genre, it does depict surprisingly well the chaos that an apocalyptic event would have in a small town.

The Bay is the last found footage movie to see before you finally ban this sub-genre from your movie diet. You won't feel like you have hopelessly lost an hour and a half of your life.

Check our Anthology of Mockumentaries and found-footage.

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