Sunday, November 4, 2012

When the Lights Went Out (2012)

directed by: Pat Holden
writen by: Pat Holden
photographed by: Jonathan Harvey
music by: Marc Canham
edited by: Robert Hall & Gary Scullion
stars: Kate Ashfield, Nicky Bell, Alan Brent

We have just writen about The Bay, an example of found footage, and now we are going to write about another recurring topic in latest horror movies: poltergeists.

When The Lights Went Out is a more than acceptable poltergeist movie, with a british approach. And that, not being another haunted house in the middle of the american countryside or an american town suburb, is  someting to consider.

Besides, WTLWO is benefited of a feeling of freshness, totally welcome in the world of horror, where almost all directors seem to think that a heavy (in the sense of dark, slow, even boring...) direction, a heavy screenplay, a heavy photography are the (only) way of creating an anguishing atmosphere. 

If you allow me the audacity, WTLWO even reminds me sometimes of the cinema by Ken Loach.

A more than correct horror movie ...And the 86 minutes pass quickly.

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