Wolf Creek is a better movie, that reminds, like we said, the great 70s Australian gothic (like Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Last Wave, Long Weekend...).
But Fritt Vilt has more rhythm, and will probably see its American remake.
Hostel (2005)

The most popular of this last batch, and that had a second part in 2007.

The plot shows a secret organization that brings rich tourists the change to free their darkest and cruelest instincts. The victims are other tourists, mainly of lower economical possibilities.
They are both correct movies but not especially remarkable. The first movie of the director of both Hostels, Eli Roth, began his career with another “touristic horror”:
Cabin Fever (2002).
Severance (2006)

Severance, surprises with its freshness, becoming one of the most interesting movies of this genre sorpren per la seva frescura, resultant una de les meves entretingudes d'aquest gènere. Severance would be the perfect example of the forst sub-sub-genre.
Being a british movie surely helps giving it the humour point that it has in common with the also british The Cottage.
Shrooms (2007)
Probably the worst of all the list.
Ils (2006)
French horror that brings to the screen allegedly true events. Interesting but, as almost all the other new French horror, lacking of emotion, something not very common in the horror genre though.
With a similar plot but in another country, we have:
Eden Lake (2008)
Interesting too, but with a disappointing ending.

The Cottage (2008)
Like we said, advisable mix of horror and humour, with the lack of ambition as its biggest goal.
Turistas 2006)

Posters for all tastes.
Imagine the actors and actresses of a Tommy Hilfiger commercial placed suddenly in a really hostile environment; that is the plot of this forgettable though watchable movie.
Rovdyr (2008)
Scandinavia had given the genre Fritt Vilt, that already has a second part, although Rodvyr isn’t anything to remember.
The Ruins (2008)

As usual, the teaser is the best thing of the movie.
Not a remarkable movie, about a killer Hedera helix that lives in an American pyramid.
The Descent (2005)
Surprising story about a group of girls that go practise espeology in a cave already occupied by not really nice inhabitants. Probably, the best of the list and one of the all-time tourist horror movies.

The Cave (2005)
Another “cave” horror, but really worse that “The Descent”.

Wrong Turn (2003)
Y yo caí, enamorado de la moda juvenil, de los chicos, de las chicas, de los mániquis…
A dangerous forest and some youngsters lost in it; does it ring a bell? Another “forest” horror but enjoyable. Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007), was a disappointing follow up.

A Perfect Getaway (2009)

Another “forest” horror, this time in Hawaii. Advisable despite the tramp ending.
Dead Snow (Død snø) (Zombies Nazis) (2009)

More tourist horror at "Dangerous Tourism (II)".
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